In 1991 am infiintat compania Vitronic si am inceput cu un atelier electronic de reparatii si mentenanta sisteme de calcul. Am incheiat contracte de mentenata cu firme din Cluj-Napoca.
Odata cu dezvoltarea internetului, ne-am diversificat afacerea cu alte domenii de activitate: achizitia de domenii web, crearea de pagini web, gazduirea acestor pagini pe servere profesionale cu asistenta eficienta.
In domeniul Foto, oferim servicii de fotografie de produs, fotografie publicitara, fotografie de procese tehnologice. Aparatura din dotarea noastra ne permite sa oferim solutii foto de exceptie,
In 1991 I founded the company, and started with an electronic workshop for repair and maintenance of computer systems. We have concluded maintenance contracts with companies from Cluj-Napoca.
With the development of the Internet, we have diversified our business with other fields of activity: the acquisition of web domains, the creation of web pages, the hosting of these pages on professional servers with efficient assistance.
In the field of Photography, we offer product photography services, advertising photography, technological process photography. The equipment in our equipment allows us to offer exceptional photo solutions,